
Thoughtful Tuesday 1: Passion

I snapped this photo on the first day of my favorite season. 

What are your passions? I really want to know. I don't hear a lot of people talk about what they are passionate about. It is hard in today's economy to really think about what you love doing rather than what is going to make you beaucoups of money. 

I'm thoroughly interested because I have been thinking about this for myself. Do people have passions that are hidden within somewhere inside themselves that they don't know are there? It is difficult to find yourself if you don't explore yourself and I am learning this slowly but surely. 

Any thoughts? What is your passion??


  1. I'm still working on finding mine. Beautiful picture, lady!

    Lady Million

  2. Thank you! I hope you find it. These things are so hard to find--especially if they are lifelong!

  3. If money wasn't involved, my job would be working with animals. That is my passion.
    Love your hair!

    Lana, xo
