
This Week.

 Lounging, no makeup, job hunting, modeling my best friend's new Rebecca Minkoff bag (which I'm obsessed with)...a few things the past week consisted of before I start school again. This is my last semester of pre-requisites--thank goodness and then I find out if I got into the nursing program. So with nervousness and excitement in hand, I've been trying to take my mind off of it by thrifting and Target lingering. Shopaholic, much? Not really because I have what I call "buyer's anxiety." I always pick something out and always put it back. If I think about it for a few days and still want it... then I go back and get it. Take the ocean blue faux leather jacket ^^. It is a nice Target find, but it took me a few days to think about it. I'm extremely frugal when it comes to spending money on clothes. I just have to REALLY want it. Luckily I bought this just in time for the cold temperatures that fused into northern OK this weekend. It seriously went from 65...to like 20 degrees. Yikes. I have to get ready for northern temperatures though since I plan on migrating somewhere north in the near future. Fingers crossed!


  1. Great pics!
    Have an amazing weekend :)

  2. Hey girl! Love those shoes!!!

    I also nominated you for the Liebster Award!! You can go to the following link for the rules! Can't wait to learn more about it.

  3. Hey darling! I have just found your lovely blog and I was wondering if you wanna follow each other...visit my blog and let me know!
