
Present: Things, Reading, Doing

My list of lovely subscribers is growing! I never thought the day would come where I had more than one subscriber (and it was my sister). Thank you all for reading and visiting!

I recently bought a lipgloss from the drugstore down the street. I wanted something clear to go over this lipliner I was trying out. It works OK. It stays on for just a little bit and does add some quick shine but you pretty much get what you pay for. I think it was something around $7? My favorite is probably  Lancome's collection of lip glosses because they add HIGH gloss.

I have been loving my dark hair. It feels so much softer and is tamed easily. They also did a small shine treatment on it, which I love. Unlike all of the other blogs that I ADORE, my hair is just medium length. I am trying to grow it out but always trim the ends. Growing it out is such a long process, do you feel like that??

Anyway, The boyfriend and I went to Tapwerks, a local brewery. We have been having so much fun going brewery hopping within the state. It is so much fun and a great date idea. We have some modern architecture that recently went up downtown and I love it so I decided to snap a photo of it!

Also, I have been reading The Gospel According to Coco Chanel. It is lovely and a quick read. I adore Coco Chanel, her brand and life story and it is kind of a tradition of mine to read up on an early 1900s celebrity. I don't know why!


  1. You can SO pull off the dark hair color. Looks so fresh and amazing.

  2. Lovely post & blog!
    I love your hair in the first pic :)

    come and see my blog with the latest post: http://www.allyouneedisfashion.com/2012/12/home-made-sushi.html

  3. Cute hair! I saw it earlier with the lighter color, and I think the dark color is so rich and pretty! :)
    My hair refuses to grow because I refuse to leave it alone, haha. It helps to only wash it every few days, and to use tons of good products, etc. I've mostly given up and just gotten extensions, haha.

    Lynette @ lynette marie
